Sissy Danielle's Chastity: Wk #34 11/13/2022



It’s not what I thought it would be.  I knew the day I would be unlocked would come one day.  When that day finally came, I was easily split right down the middle between wanting it and not wanting it.

It’s been nice not being required to be in dress code since being unlocked.  Being able to wear what I want 24 hours per day every day has resulted in more use of pajama pants and oversized hoodies.  I get done with work and do t immediately have to do my hair and makeup and put on my femme business professional attire.  It’s created more free time and time to go out shopping to vanilla places.  I can space out my errands that I need to run….I wonder if this is what it feels like to be “retired”.

At the same time, I miss all those things.  Since the corset and body shaping have resulted in near permanent changes, I miss how neat and put together I always looked and felt even though I was very hesitant to go anywhere “normal” while dressed.  It’s could look in a mirror and see someone who really cared about how she looked and the time it took to look that way.  I’m sure I could still do those things, but it feels like cosplay without the reminder locked in place that the reason I was doing it was because of the purpose you gave me.

It’s my own personal Stockholm syndrome.

My first orgasm while unlocked was eye opening as well.  I was amazed at the size of the mess, but the feeling was nowhere near as good as I remembered.  The sensations I had when bound, locked in chastity, and being teased and tormented in your cage were much more pleasurable.  Even though the orgasms were often ruined or came without release of a mess, those feelings of teasing while unable to see or move my arms and legs are now preferable to me.  I’m going to absolutely miss those until I’m under your thumb again.  I’m almost thinking it’s not going to be long at all until I’m begging to have that lock snapped closed again…perhaps with a second lock for the corset this time.  The more reminders that I’m controlled and have a purpose the better.

My purpose was to provide my purpose with obedience and pleasure.