Sissy Danielle's Chastity: Wk #21 08/14/2022

This week saw the return of my desire for an orgasm.  I thought it was something that you had conditioned out of me, but from the second you presented me with this week’s assignment, I realized how frustrated I’ve become being locked up.  I know my only chance of getting any kind of relief is to obey your every order, so the assignment of going shopping to buy clothing in a store instead of ordering it online weighed heavily on me.  Maybe I shouldn’t have procrastinated the assignment until Friday as the frustration has dulled a bit since completing it, but it still lingers.

The outfit I wore to go shopping is quickly becoming my “go to” public outfit.  The simple slacks/blouse/blazer looks very femme but isn’t so flashy or bright colored that I feel like everyone is looking at me.  To anyone glancing I probably look like just another girl shopping after work at her professional job.  I feel very confident in it and actually was able to walk around Kohl’s looking for a nice new white blouse for a good half hour.  I think wearing flats always helps as well as I don’t worry about looking too awkward walking.  The corset keeps my posture upright and keeps my walk very feminine.  I really feel that unless you get really close to me in that full outfit, that there is no way to tell that I’m a biological male.

I’ve noticed as well that going out in public is slowly becoming my “new normal” as well.  While I still don’t feel I should test it at work, doing errands and other daily tasks while dressed, while still causing bits of anxiety, is becoming less and less panic inducing.  Just a few short months ago going into a store to buy nail polish was something I totally rushed through and tried to complete in record time.  I scouted beforehand to see where in the store I would have to go so I didn’t risk anyone asking if I needed help finding anything.

Now I didn’t worry about such a thing.  I knew scouting would do no good as I would still have to try on whatever I found anyway.  I just got in my outfit and bit the bullet.  I waited in line, spoke with the cashier, and went about my day with only a mild feeling of panic.  As soon as I was done the feeling of frustration to orgasm seemed to pass as well.  That feeling of satisfaction of completing yet another assignment took its place.  Danielle once again took over.

My purpose is to give my mistress obedience and pleasure.