It was so nice to finally kick off the new year under your thumb. Even though the bondage wasn’t as restrictive as it has been in the past, it had some of the desired effect as it left me in that very suggestive subspace when I was released from the cage. The moment I was on my knees in front of you and I felt the shackles go on, I felt like I was being swaddled in a warm blanket. Once in the cage and feeling the restrictive bars go across my legs, chest, and neck I felt my mind begin to wander. I thought for sure you were going to force a fluid release when you teased the chastity device through my diaper. Instead, you stopped and all I could do was wait while my hips almost involuntarily thrust themselves against the bondage hoping for that release.
The most devious part was when you teased my release from the cage by turning off your mantra in the ear buds before removing the leg bar for a few minutes before replacing it again. The minute to stretch my legs was merciful as they had begun to cramp, but when you replaced the bar it just reinforced how much control you had over me and just deepened my submission.
Being told after that I will begin my domestic training in earnest this year was very exciting. Just knowing that I will be able to add yet another way to bring you service and pleasure was music to my ears. I am already dreaming of being removed from the cage, being presented with my uniform, maybe even a cute little name tag lol, and beginning to clean and take those chores off of your plate from my mental space of submission. I only hope that when I actually perform those duties, that they are up to…or even exceed…your standards. The last thing I want to happen is to be a disappointment in this phase of my service.
I hope you made it through the last snow ok. I hope you are staying warm and well rested.