I’m starting to think I am no longer capable of orgasm from within the cage anymore. This week when, after being bound in a new position standing up, I heard and felt the vibrator applied to the area close to the chastity cage, I was certain you were going to permit an orgasm. You teased every single part of my body that causes me to strain in my cage. I felt my body begin to twitch almost involuntarily to manipulate the vibrator into a position where it would totally set me off, but you kept it just out of reach of those areas. As much as I wanted to release, you were not going to permit it.
After you were finished playing with me as your personal toy, I wasn’t really in a frame of mind to answer your question. You mentioned you were using the vibrator mostly on my kidney area. It wasn’t until my deep subspace started to fall away a few hours later that I started to think maybe you were trying to get my bladder to release as opposed to an orgasm. Unfortunately, I hadn’t had much water or liquid, so I’m not sure that was going to be successful. Ever since the one session where my bladder went crazy, I don’t drink much liquid at all before a session unless you order me to. With a pretty empty bladder, I don’t have to worry about making that kind of mess outside of the cage.
Now I sit here on another Sunday. The middle day between last session and the next one, really hoping I get a chance to make you smile before seeing you again so that maybe I can earn some sort or orgasmic feeling next session. Either a real one or a bladder release in the diaper that I’ve really felt extreme orgasm-like pleasure in the last 3-4 times it’s happened. I know when fully erect, the human body is made to block the bladder, but the chastity device prevents full erection, so when my bladder releases and I am stuck at a 95% erect clit, it feels just like I’ve spilled my mess but with a ton more liquid. Psychologically it’s become better than an orgasm.
Finally, there are only a couple more weeks left of my baseball season, so I’m also anticipating with mild dread the corset being locked on 24/7 again very soon. I’ve begun adjusting my diet for that so that hopefully that adjustment for my body goes much quicker this year when you take that chain and secure my in Danielle's full body for the next 5-6 months. It leaves me in subby mode much longer after sessions, but sleeping becomes much more difficult for a bit.
I can’t wait to see and feel what you have in store for me in this upcoming week.