My mind has been racing since our meeting this week. I’m always left feeling extra subby the days you allow me outside privileges to do work to beautify your home, but the news that you are considering an extended visit for me where I will essentially be your doll for a day left me even more yearning.
I knew when you told me to bring clothes that I could wear outside that outside service would be possible, but there have been enough times where you have had me bring those then decided to put those chores off. When my routine breast pumping was much shorter than usual, I knew it was happening though. Having to answer the door for your delivery was exhilarating to begin with, but the work cleaning up your flower beds, picking up debris, and cleaning your windows while dressed in very casual femme clothes put me in rare head space. It lasted up until the present time and isn’t fading.
That feeling mixed with the anticipation of an extended time with you as your human doll just makes me want to beg for more regular days during the week when I’m ordered to work in uniforms that aren’t quite as “straight male”. I still know that full femme is just not possible in a world where people like me would face hate crimes, but the feeling that it makes you happy and it means you’re thinking about how I will do anything to please you just makes me wish it wasn’t so taboo. I wish there were more safe spaces for me to exist as the girl you want me to be. What used to be humiliating now just seems scary. The hyper vigilance that I would see someone who only knows the “male” me would be exhausting.
I now just can’t wait for the opportunity to be in this headspace while in your presence for 10-12 hours instead of our pretty normal 3. All of your training, conditioning, and time you have put into making me your perfect doll are showing dividends.