While there was no in person session this week due to you not feeling so well, the assignment this week left me feeling very similar to after a long caging session.
When you started to give me my assignment, I was at first just nervous about how I would feel wearing the uniform you required me to work in that day, but the side effect was that each piece of clothing you had picked out for me was akin to each piece of bondage put on me in the cage. The collar locked on, the pink tie to match the collar, the very femme pink belt to match the tie and the collar, the pantry hose under the women’s dress slacks, the women’s flats, and each piece of jewelry was very much like the shackles, the waist chain attached to the shackles, the thumb cuffs, the legs attached to the cage, and each wooden bar preventing me from moving my head, torso, or legs.
While I could move around freely, every time I moved or saw myself, I just realized and was reminded that you had total control of every movement that entire day. Much like the cage, my brain became calm and turned into something that made me super suggestible and your order to smile at everyone became automatic.
I’m almost positive that my uniform that day had every woman I talked to assuming my sexuality. They became instantly disarmed and I was told multiple times how “cute” the outfit was. They assumed there was no way I was going to hit on them and I was not a threat.
As an asexual they are right, but now presenting so femme during pride month I’m sure they assumed something beyond that. It allowed me to return their compliment in some cases when I was able to tell them how much I liked their outfit as well. Normally I wouldn’t say such a thing first as I don’t want any woman to feel uncomfortable like they are getting hit one, but I was able to honestly compliment them on their clothes, which is what I’m usually looking at anyway.
It did have another side effect of keeping me edged pretty much the entire day. I was straining in my cage and there were times when it took all of my mental focus to keep my hips still as they wanted to move and thrust to try to induce release. Alas the chastity device did its thing and left me on edge.
When I got home and finally changed out of uniform. I was in a subspace that was just as deep as any cage session I have been in.
I love that subspace, and I can’t wait to get back there again while serving you personally.