I guess even when things don’t go as planned, they happen for a reason.
When I arrived for our session and you informed me you had just begun not feeling well, I fully expected to be dismissed with an assignment. Instead, what happened showed me how much all of the training and conditioning you have put into me has paid off. With only the hood and gag on, you had me kneel and remain ready for service while you laid down. Unable to see you but forced to look at my dehumanized self in the mirror, my mind went calm and I realized that far away I could hear your mantra playing in my brain. I instantly took pride in my position and knelt as motionless as my body would allow while you got some much-needed rest.
I’m not sure how long I was left kneeling there. It only seemed like a few minutes though my knees told me it was much longer, but I loved every second of my mental bondage in silence. You needed someone there to possibly provide certain services, and I was ready. After a while, when I heard your voice call to me, I didn’t even think before I obeyed. The few minutes I got to hold your ashtray before you had me return to my ready position were full of purpose.
Then you got your entertainment as you played with your body that you have successfully taken over. I heard you instruct me to touch myself and what I saw in the mirror seemed like someone else’s hands running their hands over danielle’s feminine figure. I felt almost like a stripper at a club performing for you at your direction. Your little chuckles as I obeyed without thought brought me such pleasure. My fingertips running up and down my body that you now had full control of…as if there was a game controller held by you and I was just a thing you controlled. I didn’t have any free will; I mindlessly just did as you said.
When you had me finally remove the hood and gag and get redressed, it reinforced that feeling even more. Now dressed professionally I felt my body come to an attention position and almost beg for more tasks to help you feel better. You allowed me to fetch you pillows and bring you things to make you comfortable so you could continue resting. I wanted to stay so much longer even though you were preparing to dismiss me. I felt my hand place themselves behind my back. I felt my body stand up straight. I felt my shoulders draw themselves back to look as professional as possible.
Even without extensive play, cage time, or tease and denial while having my body shaping treatment, I had fallen deep into subby mode. I even caught that you hinted at staying the night there at some point. I’ve come far enough that I think I’d stay in subby mode for that extended period.
Even though I have questions of if I will be permitted to really sleep in that case or if I will be in “cage time” that would leave me super suggestible in the morning, how I would use the bathroom and other very basic things. I feel like just that hint told me that all of this training and conditioning is going to let me push the envelope of being your property even further.
Until next week.