The corset came off for baseball season this week. I’ve experienced a cavalcade of feelings since I came home from serving in person on Thursday.
First was the feeling of absolute extreme relief when the corset came off. My midsection had been in that garment for so long that it felt like an actual piece of me was being removed. The moan of relief that came out of me was involuntary and must have been heard by my neighbors. When it came off the first thing I did was run my hands over that area. The next thing I did was look in a mirror.
The body I saw in the mirror wasn’t mine at first. I know that was the purpose of the corset, but the last time I saw it I didn’t have the natural hourglass waist. I expected to remove the corset and have everything just kind of slowly return to where it was. That didn’t happen. Even today I look in the mirror and I am slimmer and have that shape to my midsection. I’ve enjoyed taking showers where I can just stand under the flow of water again, but I can’t help but run my hands down my body and feel the way it is shaped now. It didn’t completely take away my middle-aged belly, but there is Les of that there as well.
The actual time serving you this week was amazing. It was something we haven’t done in what seems like ages. Just being allowed to kneel and be useful was a feeling of pure joy. Being totally dehumanized, used to hold your ashtray, and feel human contact was amazing. When you had me doing it without wearing a diaper or being tied down in any way, I started preparing my mind for thing to be done to my balls like a rope or a parachute so that I could endure that torture without making a mess. Instead, it was nothing but the heavenly feeling of sensual touch and stimulation of my nipples as you had decided to not pump my breasts this week. Even though you took a week off, with the corset off I can notice the shape of those forming a little more as well.
I look back at my photos of a few years ago and the difference is night and day in my body. Every time you have said there is no escaping what was going to happen to me was no joke. Even though it feels as if my current body escaped from the prison that was my old body, there is very little left of me that is male. The lone piece that is remains locked between my legs and is owned by you.