Sissy Danielle's Chastity w/ Corset: Wk #59 02-04-2024


It was great to get back to serving you in person again.  The days that begin by getting into a professional, appropriate outfit, doing my makeup, and making sure I look acceptable to serve you in person are my favorite.  I always feel so good and confident and don’t feel nearly as much stress about day-to-day life as I do on those days.

The session itself was something brand new as well.  I am amazed at how different I feel since starting this new routine.  When it was cage training, I very rarely felt or thought about any kind of sexual pleasure.  Now that you have decided that you are going to do a pumping routine that is going to result in me having permanent breasts within just a few months, I start to feel very sexy every time to put the pumps on and start the routine.  Thought of me slowly dressing and undressing, wearing different kinds of lingerie and cute lacy bras that will actually be necessary soon make my body move while semi restrained for the process.  Having my ears open to hear you tell me just how feminine I’m going to look soon with no way of hiding it from anyone anymore….it has me terrified and excited at the same time.  People that see me daily or even a few times a week may just see it as a gradual change, but people I only see every 3-4 months are going to notice the very obvious change in my body shape.  

At the end of the session, when I obviously had breasts, the outfit you had me in looked way better than it ever had before.  The darts on the blouse and the dress actually got to perform their functions.  If you saw me from a distance, there was no chance you would even guess that there is a cage locked on a piece of flesh between my legs.  I’m wondering if I should look for a different, heavier foundation makeup so that there will not be any evidence of my biology unless you look at my drivers license.

What I once feared may happen to me if I stayed under your thumb is actually happening.  It’s like every fantasy story I ever read growing up about “forced” femme…only I’ve been coerced into doing it willingly just because you hold the key to that piece of flesh.  Now, even if you unlocked it, it would matter.  I’ve come too far to go back.  I’ll always have that piece of flesh, but it’s all but useless.  You use my mouth to make me feel pleasure now.  The words you speak while making me lick and suck on the various things you put in that hole in my hood turn me on.  I don’t think about anything but that when I think about orgasms now.  I’m not sure what happens next.  No story I ever read goes much beyond where I am now.  Everything from here is just stepping into the abyss.