The things that happened during our session this last week were a bit eye opening and answered a few questions I had about what the last year of conditioning in your cage were meant to accomplish. It seems all those hours with your mantra being forced into my brain weren’t just to teach me to obey without question, but to obey you without thought.
After having it explained to me that our upcoming series of sessions are going to focus on developing breasts on Danielle’s body, you laid me on your bed, and for the first time in over a year my ears weren’t covered with your headphones and your mantra piped into my ears. Instead, my ears were filled with earplugs before I was put in the hood and the gag and blindfold added. Once you had my wrists and ankles locked down and I was spread eagle in place, you began pumping my breasts up again. It’s yet another love/hate feeling where it feels so sensual to begin but gradually turns painful and uncomfortable. It’s usually just as it starts to feel bad that you take the pumps off and give me a small break before starting the process over again.
The feeling of them going on also causes me to feel the psychological reaction of a slut. I feel very sexy as I imagine my body with the well-defined hourglass shape that the corset has given me and the extra curves of the breasts. In my mind's eye I start picturing myself in various outfits and the clothes just fitting a little more naturally. The bra and corset forcing my shoulders back and my chest forward, my new breasts filling out the darts in my blouses and blazers.
The brain conditioning also caused another very interesting side effect. After you had finished up with this week’s pumping, you decided to use my gag in a very interesting way. It’s a penis gag so you began to slide it deeper into my mouth and began moving it in and out. While doing it you began speaking. I think this is where that year of brain conditioning took over. “Do as she instruct you to do, without hesitation”. While you were manipulating the gag you began telling me that I would be swallowing your whole load and enjoying it. Without thinking I felt my mouth begin to lick and suck the gag and simultaneously, without and contact or stimulation from a vibrator, I made a mess in my chastity device as if that was the load you meant for me to swallow. My brain basically obeyed your order without hesitation, and it happened unconsciously. I tested it out the next night and without your words the same result didn’t happen.
I’ve been conditioned to make a sissy mess on commend with nothing more than oral stimulation. It makes me wonder what else I’m now going to unconsciously do at the mere sound of your voice instructing me to do while in bondage. Obviously, it’s a power you now have over me. I didn’t even realize it was happening, but the fruits of that brainwashing in your cage this last year are about to be harvested. I look forward to learning just how you will use this power for your personal pleasure.