Sissy Danielle's Chastity w/ Corset: Wk #52 12/17/2023


These weeks when I’m not able to come serve you in person are always so hard.  For one, the day I come serve you is normally the only I take off each week, so I just end up working 7 days those weeks.  For two, when I don’t have those hours in the cage receiving my conditioning, I have days where I don’t think of my purpose.  I just go through my motions like a robot.  Waking up, working, coming home, cooking dinner, then falling asleep after a few hours of relaxing alone.

This week I was hit with the news of a friend I had kind of lost touch with passing away suddenly, so that only enhanced the feeling of listlessness.

As I come upon 1 year in chastity to you, I look back in my journal and the transformation of my body from then to now.  I can totally see how I have really taken on the hourglass shape of the corset.  All of the clothes I wear these days fit that body.  Very rarely do I just spend a full day in pajamas or oversized sweats just lounging around.  Though I do love those few days that I do each month and take full advantage of them, I spend the vast majority of my time either in femme clothing or in very femme sleepwear.

All of my shopping for clothes is now strictly femme.  I don’t think I’ve purchased male clothing in close to 2 years. Most of them don’t fit any more or are too big on me.  As far as my outer shell goes, I’m a girl now.  Inside I’m still biologically male, that will never change, but thanks to your conditioning, I sure don’t look like it on the outside.

The next couple weeks will be the holidays, so I don’t know how I will fit into your schedule.  I really hope I will fit in there somewhere.  I am much happier when my conditioning is reinforced each week.  I am more focused daily and much more at peace with myself when I wake up each morning hoping that you have given me some way to make you smile.

I hope you are feeling better, and the upcoming holidays have you feeling in a very giving mood.